my patterns, your creations - show them off!
losing your head (and your 6 legs, for that matter)

yoga photos

Here they are! Twenty-five yoga poses fit for children, ages 2.5-96! The necessary factors finally came together - sufficient time, a sunny afternoon, and a great model! (Thanks to Maria who was in my class for two years. I just had to tell her the name of the pose and she hopped right to it!)

For instructions on how to implement these yoga photos in your home or classroom, visit this post. To print off your own set, head on over to my Flickr photos. Those of you who already have a Flickr account can have prints made and sent to you. Simply click on the Children's Yoga Poses set, and on the set's main page at the top you will see the button "Make Stuff." Click on QOOP make prints. Ordering prints this way will cost you about $5.75, shipping included. There's also the option of downloading the photos onto your computer, copying them to a disc or memory card, and taking them in to be printed off yourself.

Update: The yoga card photos are also available for download through my account, in a folder called "Yoga Cards." Those of you living outside of the U.S. will have to use this option, as Flickr doesn't send prints to other countries.

Here's another way to order the prints from Flickr, if you don't want to go through QOOP:

To order prints from my main page, click on the picture to see a larger view. From this view, you should see an "order prints" button along the top of the picture. Click on it - it will ask you to change your printing preferences and verify that you are in the US. After you go through this little detour, a link will be displayed that asks you if you want to return to the photo you were looking at. Click on that, and now you should be able to order the size that you want and add it to your cart.

I hope your children love them!


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