wish list
October 08, 2007
And while I'm flipping through the same book, I wouldn't mind a pair of these one day. But knowing how long it takes for me to make one, normal length sock? Fairy Sockmother?
Time to make this knitting bag using Lisa's tutorial.
My biggest wish of all? A 72 hour day. Can you tell I've been pretty busy lately? Before I had time to blink an eye, six days had come an gone since my last post! I'm still here, dragging myself through a smidge of busy-ness. Ahem. That smidge is seeming more like a swimming pool of molasses that I must pass through. Smiling all the time, of course. The good thing is that I like molasses. But I can't begin to tell you how jealous I was that Mr. Montessori By Hand, who works with an organization based in DC, had the day off in honor of Indigenous People's Day. In Mexico, "Columbus Day" is not celebrated, and rightfully so. They hold a valid grudge.
So I continue to plow through my molasses. Thank you for your patience. I should be climbing out and taking a long-deserved shower someday soon.