name that apron
never in a million years part two. the cat speaks.

never in a million years ... part one

Closer view

Check out this bring-on-Spring Emmeline by Melissa! Freshcut fabrics make for such a sweet rendition of any apron. Make sure to head over to the Flickr group and see how others have (brilliantly) interpreted the Emmeline Apron pattern!

... would I have guessed that I would have sold out of my first printing of Emmeline Apron patterns in three week's time! Thanks to your overwhelmingly positive reception of Miss Em, she'll have to be on backorder for a little less than a week while we wait for the second printing to ship out. I know you'll understand if you order a pattern and it takes a little longer to arrive, but we are aiming to get out any orders for Emmelines around March 4th. Thank you so much for your patience and support!

In the meantime, if you're just itchin' to get a-stitchin', please consider supporting my wholesale retailers by purchasing the patterns from them. I know that Yuki at LA Chakra has about 25 Emmelines in stock. Also, be sure to check out some of the pattern/fabric kits available at Monkey Foot Designs! I'm so excited to see that Kris has unearthed some of that hard-to-find Gnome fabric for her Mischievous Gnome Messenger Bag kit! She's also put together the Chocolate Lollipop fabric and some beautiful out of print Urban Chicks fabric that would make a stunning duo for the Emmeline Apron.




Stay tuned for "Never in a Million Years ... Part Deux" to find out the name of Little Miss Apron #2 - and boy do I have a lot of choices!

