reflections on flowers and lycra body suits

yes, mom, i do wear yellow

simplicity 3835

Even girls with olive-toned skin and blue eyes should be able to wear a yellow shirt every now and then. So what if it makes me look nauseated! So there, Mom! Ha! I made myself a yellow shirt!

This is my first yellow shirt ever. And it brings me such joy. While I admit it doesn't bring out the best in my coloring, that's okay, isn't it?  It would go really well with these shoes in yellow.

The pattern is Built By Wendy's Simplicity 3835. A breeze to make. It took me all of two hours, from ironing and cutting to clean up. Talk about instant gratification! I'll certainly be making more of these - unless, of course, I get sidetracked by other projects and other things, like, say, moving back to the US.

As of late, I've felt like my plate is overflowing. We have only 10 weeks left in Mexico, and the mega-move is closing in rapidly. Because I'm the kind of person who enjoys torturing herself with arbitrary deadlines, I've been understandably feeling tortured. Go figure. I had the best of intentions, the biggest of which was getting the Lola and Elsie Mae apron patterns sent out for testing before leaving for my cousin's wedding in California on Tuesday. It just isn't happening right now. Oh well - a shrug of the shoulders and a big sigh later, I decided work on this yellow shirt project instead. Sometimes you just have to forget about everything and make something fun, you know?

I've determined that the best place to hang out is in the eye of the storm. It's pretty nice in here. And if you put on some good music and do a goofy little dance, you can pretty much forget about the craziness that surrounds you.
