new rhythm
he already has a big head


chocolate covered frozen bananas with cashews

Dearest Finny,

I'm all about being magnanimous to meet your needs. I'd give up anything for you if that's what your health and happiness require. Of course I'd do the typical mother thing and throw myself in front of a moving train to save you, yada yada - you know the spiel.

But there are some things I won't sacrifice. Well, one thing, to be precise.


Finny, I ate chocolate nearly every day I was pregnant with you. You like it. YOU LOVE IT. Just like your Mama. (I could care less if you grow up to be a star soccer player or a world class musician, as long as you like chocolate!)

Okay. Let's make a deal, seeing as how we seem to share the same lactose issues (although mine resolved themselves with a daily dose of goat milk kefir - I highly recommend that you try the stuff). I'll cut back on the ridiculous amount of dairy that I consume in favor of more baby-friendly protein chains, as long as you allow me to consume a bit of chocolate now and then.

new cookbook

Enter our new cookbook. Yowzers, it's nice. I've heard that their other cookbook, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World , is even better. (Perhaps that's because it contains only cupcake recipes, eschewing the collard greens options?) You will not be starved for flavor, little fella'.

Thank you, again, for being such an easy baby and sleeping through the night since we brought you home. I'm sorry about the milk-based smoothie. It's all almond/rice/soy milk from here on out.

And I'm sure your digestive issue wasn't caused by the chocolate. But just in case, I hear that you can buy vegan chocolate chips nowadays, anyway.

Love you, dear,


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