three months
travels with the babe

sponsor giveaway :: lullaby slings

Let me introduce you to Emily - my good friend from high school and the mama behind Lullaby Slings! Emily and I lived a short distance from each other growing up in the mountains, but our paths didn't cross until high school when we took many of the same classes and sung together in choir. She's a genuine, deep-thinking individual who I'm happy to be in touch with all these years later. (I tried to find a picture of us in our dorky choir outfits, but it must still be in the picture chest in my parents' house. Too bad - we looked really dorky, if I recall! Not that we were dorky ... ahem ... it was just the 90's dresses that did it to us.) ;)

Emily blogs about her life with three boys here and sells her hand-sewn goods at her Etsy store.

rainbow batik sling
Lullaby Slings was created out of a desire to share the beauty of
baby-wearing with other mothers.  I discovered baby-wearing with my
first son.  He was an intense baby and I will always be grateful to
the woman who said "try this" and handed me a sling!  After using a
variety of carriers with my three children, I developed my own
favorite patterns and started sewing them for friends, and then
friends of friends, eventually opening an Etsy shop.  I enjoy creating
beautiful, comfortable carriers and I love knowing what a difference
they make for mothers and babies.

Currently I sew ring slings, mei tais, toddler play slings, snuggle
blankets, burp cloths, and scale slings for use in midwifery
practices.  You can order pre-made items, or let me create a
customized item just for you!

midwifery scale sling 001

snuggle blanket

Emily is going to give away a baby snuggle blanket (example pictured above) to a randomly chosen commenter, and is offering 15% off of items already in her store and 10% off custom orders. Just enter "sewliberated" in the notes to the seller over at Etsy and the discount will be refunded via PayPal. Comments will close in one week, and the sale for Sew Liberated readers will continue through Tuesday, August 18.
