on the needles
this morning in pictures

tunic love

One of the perks of designing sewing patterns is getting to see how others use their creative powers to bring the project to life. Fabric choice and decorative elements really change the feel of the Schoolhouse Tunic. Here are some of my favorites that have been popping up on the Sew Liberated Patterns Flickr Group.


Photo by Happy Find

Happy Find made the most incredible version out of simple striped fabric - but my oh my, that ruffle takes the cake. Brilliant! 


Photo by Vintage Fern

Check out Vintage Fern's nice review of the Schoolhouse Tunic pattern at Sew, Mama, Sew. She used a bedsheet from Urban Outfitter's for the fabric.


Photos by City Craft

If you're in Dallas, stop by City Craft where you're bound to find someone wearing the Schoolhouse Tunic. Here are three of their versions - I love seeing it made up in Anna Maria Horner's fabric.



... and I'm a big fan of the elegant simplicity of House of Roux's basic gray version with the colorful scarf from Uniform Studio.


Photo by House of Roux

If you've made a tunic, be sure to post a picture to the group!

P.S. If you've made any projects from my book, I've created a Flickr group for that, too! Upload away, because I'll be doing a little book project recap sometime this week, as well as another book-related giveaway on Thursday.
