November 24, 2010
Cozy. It's a word I've had in my head for the last few days. It certainly aptly described the twelve hours Finn and I spent on the same plane before finally arriving in California. It went as well as could be expected. Thank you, mini slinky. Thank you, lollipops. We arrived in one piece (looking like we'd just been run over by a truck, I'm sure, but we're here!)
We arrived at my parents' house after a major snow storm that knocked branches onto the utility lines and has left us without power, internet connection, land line or cell phone reception for the last several days. We're still waiting for the power to be restored, but until then, we're cozy-ing up. Lots of knitting, a simple Thanksgiving meal, and snow play. A truly old-fashioned kind of cozy. I found a bit of time to stop by a cafe in town to blog today (on my way to the local fabric store!) I'm not sure when I'll be back online, but I wanted to wish you all a very cozy holiday with family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours!