this boy
getting outside

trying it on

trying it on

Putting together a home is sort of like going shopping for jeans that fit. I try on this, throw it aside, try on that, spin around a few times ... nope, not quite ... and then, finally, try on something almost just right, resigning myself to a few future alterations.

There are a few key differences in putting together a home and shopping for a pair of jeans. The first is obvious - who likes shopping for jeans? Not me. I do, however, love putting together little useful corners to live in. The second is that, instead of purchasing new items, I get the creative challenge of reinvisioning the furniture and decor items that I already have, and every time I do this I'm so surprised at how different yet comfortingly similar newly conceived spaces can feel. A few coats of paint. A lot of just standing and staring at a space, rearranging in my head. 

trying it on

This little corner is one of my favorites. It fits us just right. No matter the half-painted bookshelves across from it. No matter the art area in its non-functioning infancy just out of the photo frame. This spot is where we live.

Our studio. 
