of apples and boys

the second time around

treasure basket fun

treasure basket fun

treasure basket fun

Not only does Lachlan wear all of Finn's baby clothes ... he gets hand-me-down parenting ideas, too. Fortunately for him, there are some things that don't lose their luster with use, and one of those things is the treasure basket.

He started sitting up with confidence about a week ago. He would veer to one side and topple over after a few minutes. Then I put him in front of a treasure basket and he sat there, enthralled, for nearly an hour. I kid you not! Talk about sitting stamina. This is baby concentration at its best. Finn was the same way with his basket. It must cast some sort hypnotic spell over six month-olds. 

Eventually, he flipped himself onto his back, announcing the end of the play session - we had a few ticklish belly laughs, and he fell promptly asleep. Hard work!

