November 09, 2012
Six baby girls joined our family yesterday! Four Ameraucanas and two Barred Plymouth Rocks - names for which are being thought up by me and the surreptitiously planted in the mind of Finn. If it were up to him, I do believe our chicks would have names like "tree" or "car" or whatever else he sees at any given moment. If it were up to Lachlan, we'd call them all "chicken coop," his new favorite phrase.
It feels like I've mentally had chickens for a long time - since we lived in Mexico and had neighbors' chickens free-ranging in our yard. I've owned chicken books for years. I always knew we'd eventually get a backyard flock, but it wasn't until now that everything fell into its proper place. The boys don't self-destruct if I do something else for a little while. They get along and entertain each other. We have enough money to buy wood and a circular saw to build a coop, and we get enough sleep so that using the circular saw is no longer just plain foolishness! We're going to be "cooped up" for the next few weekends in order to focus on building a home for our little ladies. Here's to mastering power tools!